
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Have you heard...

the Red Sox were on a long trip to begin the season? Because if you haven't, Dan will tell you all about it. Again.

Some items about the changes at Fenway, which players were around the ballpark. And that is about it. Nothing on the first seven games of the season or what to look forward to this year. You know, stuff that would be interesting. But, of course, that would take some thought and effort.


Anonymous said...

With a 3-4 record and a lot of foreign currency in their pockets,

Um, Dan? Just how useful is Japanese currency in the United States? Did you actually see a player carrying wads of yen around the clubhouse?

dbvader - Dan's thought & effort meters are broken; got any spares?

Anonymous said...

"when is the last time a pitcher started three of a team's first eight games?".

Mike Mussina and Victor Zambrano, 2004. That took like a minute and a half to look up on the Internet, Dan.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know this is a CHB blog but I couldn't help but be annoyed with Nick Cafardo's Sunday article on Seaon Casey. I felt like screaming, "I get it! He made an error! I get it!"

Anonymous said...

Another glib potshot devoid of any thought or originality.

For someone who likes to complain about a sportswriter, this blogger sure serves up some heaping helpings of nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey OB, one sports columnist down, two to go over at the Good Ship Lollipop.

Anonymous said...

Have you read his recap of the Opening Ceremonies today?


Dan. Not the ceremonies.

Chris said...

I think the word 'Tokyo' will be in every column Shaughnessy writes as a way of, you know, tweaking his media brethren that didn't go on that all-expenses-paid-by-someone-else junket. Also, didja see that Buckner blamed the MEDIA for his decades-long personal crisis. Fancy that! I am rather surprised that Shaughnessy failed to mention that he and his cabal were blamed by Buckner. I'm not!

JJS37 said...

Dan is a douche. 'Nuff said.