This was the opening of Dan's March 30, 2008 column (click on image):

Unfortunately, Humphrey Bogart died in January 1957, more than year before the Dodgers played their first home game in LA. (Thanks to a poster at for pointing this out.)
And you might think that the Boston Globe would acknowledge this error, considering that the online edition was quickly changed.
Yet neither the online nor the print edition of the Boston Globe has acknowledged Shank's egregious mistake of having a dead man at a L.A. Dodgers game.
What has the fastidious corrections department of Morrissey Boulevard addressed in the last two weeks?
April 15-
Because of a reporting error, the name of Accelerated Marketing Partners was incorrectly spelled in a Boston Sunday Globe Real Estate story on home buyers.
April 13-
Because of a reporting error, a March 23 City Weekly article about the new website incorrectly attributed a quote saying the site appeared to be designed by an eighth-grader. The comment was made by Tammy Schuetz Cook, from the blog Bostonfoodandwhine.
April 6-
Due to incorrect information from Jonathan Bekemeier, a Globe North story on Sunday March 30 about tax abatements in Malden stated that he had never applied for an abatement. Bekemeier has applied before.
April 3-
Because of a reporting error, an obituary in yesterday's Globe of advertising executive Joseph E. Gallagher gave incorrect cities and towns where he grew up and later lived. He grew up in North Adams and was a resident of Wellesley and Dover.
April 1-
Because of a reporting error, a Bette Davis quote from the film "Cabin in the Cotton" was inaccurate in a story in Sunday's Movies section. The line was, "I'd like to kiss you, but I just washed my hair."
So, the misquotation of an 70 year old film, errors in the childhood facts of a subject of an obituary, whether someone applied for a tax abatement, the incorrect attribution of a quotation from a blog, and the misspelling of a company seeking to promote itself in the Real Estate section are all worthy of correction, yet a year-old corpse watching the L.A. Dodgers requires no correction or clarification?
I have contacted the Globe to address this issue, but I have received no response and it has not addressed the error.
Therefore, I offer my own Globe Correction:
For the record
February, 31, NeverCorrection: Because of a columnist's habitual laziness and ignorance, and a cowardly editorial attitude toward said columnist, a column that ran over two weeks ago was incorrect in stating that the corpse of Humphrey Bogart watched the L.A. Dodgers in the Coliseum. Bogart was comfortably interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
Yet neither the online nor the print edition of the Boston Globe has acknowledged Shank's egregious mistake of having a dead man at a L.A. Dodgers game.
It's entirely possible that Bogart was at that game. Have you ever seen 'Weekend At Bernie's'?
Good luck getting that error fixed - being a Globie means never having to say you're sorry, or wrong.
I wonder if ObtuseBruce is also among the 'dearly departed,' or whether he has simply exhausted every bit of ammunition that could be used to defend the honor of his, uh, proud newspaper. There cannot possibly be any more honor to defend on Bowtie Boulevard, although I'm sure ObtuseBruce will come by to say his 'head hurts' from reading this, or that he is otherwise 'confused.' He is a fun boy to play with, though.
Not to mention the fact that Wally Moon didn't even go to the Dodgers until 1959--2 years after Bogart died:
What a lazy disgrace the CHB is.
Yes, I, too, caught the error about ol' Humphrey's corpse attending the game, but I figured maybe Shank had interviewed Edgar Cayce and gotten the info from him, so I didn't write y'all about it. Say what? Cayce's dead, too? Who said so? Have you checked with Dan about that?
Dan is a douche. One time a few years ago, I had had it with him. I don't remember what the article was, but I snapped. I wrote him an e-mail and told him that he was basically a frustrated white guy with zero athletic ability who loved sports but could take the fact that he could never be any good at it. So he writes these sarcastic articles in which he takes shots at people like a 79 year old woman. He wrote back to me and said something to the effect of "It's been fun following your sports career." At which point I was ready to jump through the internet and strangle the Quassimodo looking son of a bitch. But that's when you realize that's who he is: a guy who invents things: Curses; the 3-2 kid, Bogart attending games when he was dead. Honestly, if Rasheed Wallace played in Boston, Douchey Dan would be dead. Wouldn't every Dan Hater in Boston have taken up a collection (not that he would need it) to bail the first athlete who punched Dan dead in the face? What a douche.
Also remember this: Shaughnessy is a bitter man working for a money-losing, embarrassing media operation. You take a man who is already Obama-like bitter and then surround him with what's going on in his industry and his newspaper, you can pretty much predict what you'll get. His home life must be a wreck.
Yeah, I'm not all that offended at Douchey Dan. I just more or less would love to be in front of him, face-to-face. Or I guess face-to-chest since I'm 6-3, and I'm guessing he's like 5-10, but the "pasty white" color of his skin on TV makes his appearance in general very deceiving...But seriously-he is just a bitter man. I'm guessing he has SOME talent (yet to be revealed?) but because he's so frustrated and bitter, he winds up just using space to take shots at guys who are 10 times more talented at what they do than what he is at what he does. Sad.
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