
Sunday, September 01, 2024

DHL Dan CCXXI - Rough Season Ahead

As New England Patriots fans are mostly aware already, they're in for a difficult 2024 season. As us older Patriots fans can attest to, there were some really bad teams in the years prior to Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Here's Shank to tell you all about it:
These Patriots won’t match the worst teams in franchise history, and other thoughts

Picked-up pieces while staying off Storrow Drive until move-in season is over …

▪ Many New England Baby Boomers have been around long enough to witness the entire history of the Patriots. We remember when Billy Sullivan invented them as the Boston Patriots in 1960. We remember when they played the New York Titans and Dallas Texans at Boston University Field. We remember when Patriots fans threw snowballs at the Buffalo Bills at Fenway Park. We remember Bob “Harpo” Gladieux getting paged in the stands at Harvard Stadium, then tackling Miami’s Jake Scott on the opening kickoff.

We have seen it all, and speak with some authority when it comes to identifying the worst teams in franchise history.

In this spirit, I am here to give you spoiled young folks a little perspective.

Yes, the 2024 Patriots are going to be bad. Years of frugal spending, bad drafting, inept offensive coaching, and upper-management dysfunction have caught up with America’s most successful sports franchise of the 21st century.
Read it all for the worst of the worst!

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