
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Name That Column Theme!

Today's New England Patriots' loss to the Cleveland Browns, 34 - 14, will be the first big test of Shank's newfound love affair with coach Bill Belichick.

Will Shank a) stand by his man, or b) turn on a dime and throw the coach under the proverbial bus? Will there be c) no column for the next few days as Shank broods in his hotel room? Did I d) miss any scenarios here?

I'm going contrarian with a), because I have trouble believing that even Shank would be so transparently stupid and turn on a dime so suddenly. Then again, he's done that before. Who knows with this guy?

So, vote early and often!

1 comment:

  1. My vote is he'll turn on him....NO's the perfect "HE GOT OUTCOACHED BY MANGINI" opportunity. You think Shank's gonna pass that up?...NO WAY,NO HOW!
