
Sunday, March 30, 2008

LA Coliseum, Part Deux

Dan picks up where he left off yesterday, dissecting the scene at the LA Coliseum where the Dodgers and Red Sox played an exhibition game before a crowd of 115K+. The article was very similar to yesterday--a discussion of the Coliseum history and the peculiarities of the playing field and the player's reaction to it. Yesterday was good, today is too much of a good thing.

As I read it, I do wonder if Shaughnessy should just start to make his transition to the lifestyle section of the Globe - perhaps he would fare better over there? If you look at his columns from the past week or so (What is it Dan, 6 countries and 45,000 miles?), the actual game of baseball is merely a sideshow or backdrop to his writings. He seems fascinated with all the trappings of baseball but he shows no inclination/passion for the game itself and in the end, it all rings a little hollow.


  1. yet another snoozer from Shank, at least they help my insomnia

  2. The problem is that Shak's commentary seems to reflect how the Red Sox are now marketed. The actual game of baseball is secondary in Shank's writings, but it is also secondary in how the Red Sox are marketed - now it's Red Sox, The Brand instead of Red Sox baseball.

  3. DHL Dan, mailing in another column...
