
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Time To Shit On The Patriots

What do you get when you combine the New England Patriots losing record in 2020 with Shank's disingenouous nature? An awful column, that's what:
The 2020 Patriots have kept me in suspense — and I’m a fan of it all

Are you a sports fan or a Patriots fan?
Some of us are both, but Shank wants you to pick one or the other.
If you are a sports fan like me, you are loving this Patriots 2020 season, because from week to week you don’t know what’s going to happen.
You buying that line of bullshit?
If you are a Wilfork jersey-wearing Patriots fan, you are not loving this 2020 season … because from week to week you don’t know what’s going to happen. I know I am outnumbered. Don’t care. This is so much more fun.
Read on to see Shank revel in the first subpar start the Patriots have had in two decades.

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