
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Shank's Mailbag - No Wait For The Hate

In an occasional series, Shank dedicates a column to him being an asshole:
For a columnist in the digital age, there’s no wait for the hate
Is Shank finally accepting the fact he's in 'the digital age'? That's a start.
We write about sports. You (hopefully) read what we write. Increasingly, you tell us what you think about what we write. In today’s free-for-all, everybody-is-a-columnist age of opinions, there are simply so many ways to respond.

I first noticed this on football Sundays on the road with the Patriots. In the old days, a column offered from the press box in Pittsburgh might trigger a small sack of angry mail back at the old home office on Morrissey Boulevard. It would take a couple of days, but by Wednesday it was made clear to me in no uncertain terms that I suck.
Again, Shank is slow on the take or playing dumb oh-so-conveniently. When did you first figure out that Shank sucked, like after the fourth column?

Let Shank explain what we've known for years - he writes his columns ahead of time:
Now I suck on Sunday afternoon in Pittsburgh before even leaving the press box.

Let me explain: I am a speedy scribe and sometimes finish ahead of my harder-working colleagues at Patriot games. In some cases, I am done first.

This gives Globe editors back in Boston time to edit and post the column. It gives the readers a crack at being first to call me a knucklehead. By the time all my colleagues are done with their work and ready to carpool back to the hotel, I already have an early exit poll from agitated Globe readers who care deeply about their Patriots.
Might be worth a read, even if it's just to bask in the Shank self-flagellation.

1 comment:

  1. Dan misses the old days at the globe. When the likes of him, St. Willie of the Lower End, High Pants Bob, Lord Douchepont and Gammo could throw any BS out there they wanted to and go unchallenged.

    Now you can @ these people immediately and they certainly don't want to be held accountable.

    As always Dan, #ClevelandRocks
