
Thursday, February 20, 2020

He Chose... Poorly

That would be baseball commissioner Rob Manfred, catching heat from all quarters for not coming down hard on the Houston Astros.
FORT MYERS, Fla. — Hey there, baseball fan. Did you ever think you’d be longing for the good old days of commissioner Bud Selig?

Wow. Major League Baseball is imploding in the Sign-Stealing Scandal Spring of 2020, and commissioner Rob Manfred is making Uncle Bud look like Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, or maybe Winston Churchill.
I think Shank's contractually obligated to mention Landis every time some serious baseball history comes up.
The hardball world is furious with the Houston Astros, and virtually no one is happy with the performance of Manfred since MLB announced its findings about the Astros scam Jan. 13. Manfred gave Houston players immunity from punishment in exchange for cooperation, has declined to fire some Astros executives who had direct involvement, and — most egregiously for many — allowed the Astros to keep their 2017 championship even though he has proof that they cheated to win.
Shank brings that up throughout the column, and that seems to be the punishment Shank and others are thirsting for. At least that's an improvement from banning all of them from baseball, which Shank was looking for last month.

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