
Monday, February 05, 2018

Shameless Shank Shaughnessy - II

Not content to bury the New England Patriots with a single column, Shank now trains his sights on coach Bill Belichick, practically screaming I WANT ANSWERS! like Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men.
MINNEAPOLIS — How are you feeling about your coach today, Patriot fans?

Still got “Do Your Job” and “No Days Off” tattooed somewhere on your body? Still blissfully living the life of “In Bill We Trust”? Still applauding the coach for giving the media the finger every time we ask Bill Belichick a football question? Still believe his decisions are none of anybody’s business?

I sense a crack in the blind loyalty the Hoodie traditionally receives from Patriot Nation. The Patriots lost a very winnable Super Bowl Sunday night in some part because Bill benched cornerback Malcolm Butler for some undisclosed infraction or violation of the Patriot code.
The only time this guy ever seems to get off his ass to bang out multiple columns in a 24 hour time span is to showboat and exact revenge, as he tries to do here.

UPDATE AT 5:47 PM - Lovely, and I believe a first time for this sort of thing - Drudge linked to this story. Is this a sign of the apocalypse?


  1. Why yes Shank, yes I am.

    Still applauding the coach for giving the media the finger every time we ask Bill Belichick a football question?
