
Friday, February 09, 2018

Ron Borges Death Watch - IV

Adam Gaffin at Universal Hub just gave me the skinny - Ron Borges has been suspended:
A column by Ron Borges in today’s Herald regarding Patriot Tom Brady’s salary discussions was based on information which proved to be false.

The Herald apologizes to Brady, his agent Don Yee and the Patriots, and to our readers for this erroneous report.

Borges’ column has been suspended pending further review.
Note what they're not saying now that they were saying earlier in the day relating to the 'other sources', or are they now implicitly confirming it was all bullshit? Seems to indicate they didn't pan out, right? How long does it really take for Borges to tell his editors who the 'other sources' are and for those editors to contact these 'other sources' and verify what they allegedly told Borges? If you ask me this could have been conducted by now, so why the delaying tactic? What can't be conducted at the same breakneck speed is Borges' severance package. Given the Herald's pending bankruptcy proceedings, the size of that severance package is about the same size of that big change jar some us keep in the old one gallon twist-off glass container of cheap Gallo wine.

UPDATE, 2/10/18, 10:35 AM - Correction - the column has been suspended, not Borges. Does that mean I just pulled a Borges?

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