
Friday, December 29, 2017

Zero Imagination

How are you gonna bore the living shit out of your audience today, Shank?

UPDATE AT 11:08 AM - I feel like calling in and asking Shank how climate change is going to affect the Pats / Jets game on Sunday.

UPDATE AT 11:24 AM - Shank and his co-host are getting mauled by a bunch of callers because they did not fully understand the injury situation / roster implications with regard to Aaron Rodgers.

UPDATE AT 12:02 PM - I cannot believe Shank had the balls to say what I just heard - "Well crafted writing is not valued anymore." Oh, please! When was the last time we read something from Shank that was 'well crafted', that wasn't also marred by his trademark trolling and relentless negativity? I've now reached my bullshit quota for the day.

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