
Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Utterly Predictable Shank Column

...will be written tomorrow. Jon Lester had this to say about September 2011's collapse:
"They should be (angry),'' Lester said Sunday morning, reporting day for Red Sox pitchers and catchers. "We didn't play very good. With all the other stuff added on top of that, it's obviously going to make it worse. I don't blame them for being mad. We didn't play good. We stunk. I stunk. I take complete responsibility for it."
That seems to meet the criteria of an apology that Shank demanded earlier today. Somehow I doubt that will suffice in Shank's eyes.

And now, Josh Beckett:
"We made mistakes in the clubhouse, and that's about as far as I'll go talking about the clubhouse,"


Beckett also insisted there was never a time he wasn't ready to pitch and when asked if it was fair to be singled out for being out of shape at the end of the season, he said, "I put on a little bit of weight. I don't have a reason for it, but it happened. I'm looking forward to going forward from here."
No apology for you! Cue Shank's self-righteous indignation as he attempts to drag Beckett further over the hot coals.

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