
Monday, March 07, 2011

Shank, Ainge On The Perkins Trade

Slaving over his keyboard, busting out his third column in two weeks, Shank talks trade with Danny Ainge, the Celtics general manager. It's a good column, as most of his CNN / SI columns are.

Near the end of the column appear an utterly laughable pair of sentences:
And that was that. The end of our debate. I walked away thinking about how I'd never have a conversation like that with Bill Belichick. It's easy to love the results Belichick produces, but it's too bad he's not more willing to discuss his moves.
Never will you see a more self-serving, disingenuous paragraph from Dan Shaughnessy in your life. Why, it's enough to make you wonder how on earth a nice guy like Dan Shaughnessy can't get a cozy, fireside chat with the coach of the New England Patriots. It's a damn shame, I tell you!

Item two is from mike's comment in the previous thread:
He has been spending all his time on the radio. I'm sure the mindset is, no one listens, therefore no one can criticize him or remind him he was wrong.
There's a reason for that. I tuned into his Saturday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM gig on 98.5 FM with Adam Jones around 11:30 or so. There are two surefire ways to turn off radio listeners - be boring or yell & scream over everybody like Glenn Ordway does for four hours. I listened to Shank for about 3 minutes before having to turn it off. Shank's delivery was uninspired and monotone with a complete disinterest in discussing the NFL labor dispute, and gave off the overwhelming impression that he didn't want to be there. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who felt that way. Just turn the show over to Adam Jones permanently and be done with it.

I like writing for you guys, but I didn't agree to suffer painful boredom in doing it.

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