
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One Dinosaur Writes About Another Dinosaur

In circumstances that I am sure many of the readers wished were reversed, Dan writes a farewell from the Boston sports media to Bob Lobel.

And it is fitting that Shank, a master of the worn out phrase, favorably mentions Lobel's use of 'why can't we get players like that?' for "the millionth time."

It is a decent, if redundant, piece listing many of the well known highlights of Lobel's career, capturing his sense of whimsy. However, what is most interesting about the column is what it is lacking: any personal reflections. Dan offers nothing more than what we have seen watching Lobel over the decades.


  1. I got a kick out of Dan's description of the 'mass exodus' at WBZ as being 'foolish.' I suppose that episode was Dan's 'Ghost of Christmas Future because the disasters at The Globe and WBZ are not too dissimilar. He now (for the first time) senses his own mortality & shelf-life.

  2. I wish I had picked up on "the foolish plan to purge" line.

    I don't know if it reflects some individual and professional insecurity, but I do know that it shows a profound (or willful) ignorance.

    The local nightly news does not matter all that much any more and the Sports segment (followed by Entertainment) is the most irrelevant.

    Faced with increasing competition from ESPN, the local sports networks, CNN, and the internet, local news outfits are correct to dump the high-priced dinosaurs that roamed the '80's. The dinosaurs were not going to bring back viewers, especially when a kid a week out of J-School can stay sober enough to host an interesting Sunday Sports.

    I am extremely upset that I missed that line. I have to admit, although I it is my duty to study the column, I tend to scan it in order to avoid the blandness.

  3. Can't agree with you here db. Familiar faces were the only reason I bothered watching local TV news anymore.

  4. I never understood what the attraction was with Lobel. He always seemed to be laughing, but no one could figure out what the hell he was laughing at, except the guys in the studio. He always delivered the sports with a smirk on his face, and was always red faced. I don't really have anything against the guy, but at the same time, I don't see what was so appealing about that. Dan is a douche.

  5. anonymous,

    But the station doesn't need to just keep people watching, it has to attract listeners to replace the old ones and the ones migrating to other channels.

  6. And all this time, I thought DHL Dan was on the disabled list...

  7. Lobel may not have come up with a single insightful statement since I moved to Massachusetts in 1989 He was the worst broadcaster in a city of terrible broadcasters!
