
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Going Overboard

Dan has a piece on Jacoby Ellsbury. A balanced piece as Dan avoids all his typical whipping boys and he hits all the highlights of Ellsbury's bio. CHB nicely captures the expectations of Red Sox fans while warning all to temper their expectations.


  1. It takes effort, but from time to time Shank can actually contribute something worthwhile.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You know, a few interesting points (well at least interesting in my mind):

    - We (the regular contributors to this site - both bloggers and those who leave comments) are generally willing to give Shaughnessy credit when he writes a decent column. It doesn't happen all that often but nonetheless, we are willing to send credit his way

    - When he does write a respectable column, the message boards here are pretty quiet

    - I always come back to the conclusion (as have many others here and elsewhere) that Shaughnessy intentionally stirs the pot. I should begrudgingly admit that he is a master of doing so. It makes him such a lightning rod. I imagine he likes having a blog such as this dedicated to an analysis of his writing

    - I also figure Shaughnessy gets bored quickly. He will zip off a couple of decent columns...he will get no hate mail for a few days...he concludes he is losing his edge and he will return with a vengeance with digs at Schilling and John Henry and Pedro and Thanksdad and whomever else

  4. PS Let's see for tomorrow...he will dish on how Pabelbon and the lewd Sox scout who got busted have ruined "Camp Tranquility". He will say something to the effect "It is always something with these Sox..."

  5. When he does write a respectable column, the message boards here are pretty quiet...

    I have to agree. Shank loves to be hated, so I'm more than happy to oblige with my two cents!

    Also - I agree that his next column will be a return to classic Shank form.

  6. Interesting point about Shank wanting to be hated and how this board tends to be quiet when he does write a good piece and we here point out that it is a good piece. I suspect his next piece will be along the lines of "Why did the Patriots let Asante Samuel go???" or something, as well as the usual rip-jobs on Schilling, John W. Henry, etc.

  7. "Bad Hair" is just setting everybody's about time for him to rip Schilling, it's been like 2 weeks
