
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another picked up pieces column

And this one has:

More Selig quotations from his days old press conference.

More Bonds.

And the astute observation that the Tigers are good and the Angels aren't the same team the Red Sox swept in April. Glad Dan is there to tell us. Among Sportscenter, Baseball Tonight, FOX, and the internet I don't know where else I could find that information.

There are other inane and obvious nuggets in the column that you all can spot.


  1. More cheap shots at Schilling, Manny and Theo...

    Gratuitous Babe Ruth reference...

    Paula Cole? Come on!!!

    And the beat goes on.

  2. This was close to making it into the original post:

    Too bad Carlos Peña didn't work out in Boston

    Or in NY, Detroit, Oakland, Texas. Before this year he was a guy with good power who struck out a lot and could not get on base. No reason to think this year is anything but a career year, one time thing.

  3. Gee a shot at Curt Schilling, he hasn't done that in a column or two ... for bashing Peter Gammons yet ... of course I heard Schilling on D&C and he was very respectful of Gammons. Here is the link if you want the non-Sahkified version of the truth:,channel&dedupe=1&start=0&il=en&col=en-all-pod_weei-ep&s=PZSID_pods_pod5_8_6_0004;WEEI+-+Dennis+and+Callahan&e=7447708&res=11306064

  4. Must be nice to have a column in a major newspaper to throw jabs at people you don't like.

  5. Anon 10:16:

    The reference is to Schilling's interview with the site that shall not be named (or clicked on, though I did). Hint: It is the site that should have been closed by its major media entity owner after yellow teeth wrote that Nomar did not want his World Series ring.

  6. Since Shank loves throwing pre-1984 cultural references into his piece, I'm waiting for the Eddie-Murphy-as-Mr.-T reference to Barry Bonds.

  7. did OB say something?

    I suppose not.
