
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Two for Tuesday

The Charlotte, er New Orleans, er Oklahoma City Hornets played in Boston last night. I guess that merits a column about how they have yet to play a real "home" game this season.

Also today, a snide brief on how the Red Sox will opt for a statement versus holding a press conference discussing the return of Theo Epstein. The brief (253 words) begins "More strangeness from Fenway?" and concludes "As of late last night, Henry, Lucchino, and Tom Werner had not returned calls from the Globe." Gee, I can't imagine why, with all the venom spit their way of late, they wouldn't want to jump back in the snake pit.

Larry Bird watch: "Larry Bird once went for 60 in New Orleans." (We assume he means points, not Buds.)


  1. Wow, the irrationality that seems to flow from the venom is astounding. A columnist finds an angle about a game that is of prescious little interest and that merits sarcasm? And the comment about the snide brief is even worse -- you can't deny there was considerable anticipation of a Theo Returns news conference? Just when it appears this can't become more petty and insipid...

  2. Whoop-de-whoop, Danny boy. If it's of such "precious little interest" then why write about it at all? Not to mention that the "angle" as you call it was the same taken by every columnist in sports.

  3. Where are all of "Bruce's" friends coming to the defense of Dan? It seems like he's the only one who has ever written a dessenting opinion on this site, and everyone else loves the work you do to point how the CBH's goofy mistakes. Keep it up, Chief. You're performing an important public service.
